Monday, 20 December 2010

This is becoming a habit!

I missed another Sunday post. We were playing again but I had forgotten it was another early start. Sitting with a steaming mug of coffee just after lunch, and expecting to have ample time, I thought I would ring the guys to see what the plan of action was.

"We've just finished loading the van mate. Pick you up in about 10 minutes."

I really must get better organised. Failing that, here's a little tune to put us in the Christmas spirit:

slade - merry christmas everybody

All have to do now is learn it for Wednesday night. Have fun!

Monday, 13 December 2010

Oops - missed Sunday

Well, not really. We were playing at a charity fundraiser in aid of motor neurone disease, the whole day rocked and I stayed much longer than I had planned to. Many thanks to the bands who gave their time, notably The Travelin' Band, Area 67, Mark James and everyone else who made it a day to remember.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Late night music - Bowie

Haven't done one of these for a while, but I still have dreams of playing bass on this track.

David Bowie - Let's Spend The Night Together

Sunday, 5 December 2010

A thought for a Sunday

"In our more diverse and secular society, the place of religion has come to be a matter of lively discussion. It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue and that the wellbeing and prosperity of the nation depend on the contribution of individuals and groups of all faiths and none."

Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926)