When I was a youngster my parents bought me a pair of braces to hold up my new trousers. Of course these were 'Trousers to grow into' and without such support I would have been running around bare arsed. The braces were blue and had pictures of planets and rockets and, in the box, was a genuine ticket to the Moon.
I know, because it said so.
Somewhere in a landfill site, many many years ago...
Earlier this year the Pew Forum on Religion and Public life conducted a survey on religious knowledge among the American populace. The newly released results were not surprising, to me at least. In the 32 question survey atheists and agnostics scored the highest, closely followed by Jews and Mormons who were way ahead of the average Christian believer. There's a summary of the results here.
To test yourself, click on the image for a shorter sample of the questions asked. I scored 14 out of 15 and am kicking myself for dithering over the one I got wrong rather than going with my first thought.
On average, people who took the survey answered half the questions incorrectly, and many flubbed even questions about their own faith.
Those who scored the highest were atheists and agnostics, as well as two religious minorities: Jews and Mormons. The results were the same even after the researchers controlled for factors like age and racial differences.
What is it about religion that suppresses what should be no more than basic general knowledge?
Grow into these trousers... >>
"Champagne, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector. It encourages a man to be expansive, even reckless, while lie detectors are only a challenge to tell lies successfully".
I'm sure we all remember the Quran book burning threat from a couple of weekends ago. I wanted to comment at the time but other commitments got in the way. Now I have a quieter day so here we go:
Burning books is stupid and ignorant.
Note, I am not saying that all books are sacred, or that any are. Nor am I saying that an individual is forbidden to destroy a possession, so long as it is legally their own or they have suitable permission. But each book has a value greater than that printed on the cover and the combined writings of humanity have a value greater than the summed content of the individual books. That value is context.
Important texts from times past are often difficult to interpret without contemporary texts to set things in a social or linguistic structure. Structures which, 2000 years ago say, have no modern counterpart for comparison. We need the legacy of books from all ages to understand ourselves and how our societies have developed.
Burning any book has the potential to rob the future of a storehouse of historical knowledge. Just think of the attacks on the Library of Alexandria where humanity lost forever texts which, even then, were of great antiquity.
Of course the unadulterated word of Allah has been a previous victim of book burning, and surprisingly Moslems themselves were responsible, as this news report from 653AD informs us. An incalculable loss to religious scholars and historians of every generation since.
So I am glad that the September 11th Quran burning fizzled out into a non-event: except for one incident in Amarillo, Texas.
Some religious nutter was planning to burn a copy in an Amarillo park when Jacob Isom rescued the kerosene dowsed volume from a barbeque and ran off. In an interview for the local News Channel 10, Isom said he snuck up behind the organiser, David Grisham, liberated the book and said “Dude, you have no Quran”.
<rant> Perhaps this should have been today's Sunday thought... My use of the English language is far from perfect; but I protest against something, or I protest in favour of something. Or if someone makes a statement with which I disagree, I can say "I protest" in reply.
I do not protest something!
I do not protest the Pope. I protest against the Pope and will never protest in favour of him. </rant>
Grow into these trousers... >>
"Even when poetry has a meaning, as it usually has, it may be inadvisable to draw it out... Perfect understanding will sometimes almost extinguish pleasure".
Over the next weekend BlogTV is to present an interactive, 24 hour, non-stop fundraiser in aid of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders - international links), a very worthy charity. Starting on Saturday 18th September at 4pm BST (click for your local time) the lineup is... Well, awesome. The live broadcast will be here:
Sadly Michael Shermer only did the promo clip and won’t be involved, but those who will feature include a whole bunch of my favourite YouTubers such as:
So the Ratman arrives in Edinburgh and immediately contradicts himself. The BBC reports him saying he wants to "extend the hand of friendship" to the whole of the UK during his visit. Hmm, OK...
He continued:
"Today, the United Kingdom strives to be a modern and multicultural society. In this challenging enterprise, may it always maintain its respect for those traditional values and cultural expressions that more aggressive forms of secularism no longer value or even tolerate".
Well fuck you Ratman, I do respect the traditional values and cultural expressions of others so long as they don't impose them on those who see the world otherwise. Sing to the clouds and eat magic crackers all you like but don't expect me to do the same and never, NEVER EVER, try to tell me how to behave. My morals are not dictated to me by invisible magical spirits but by a genuine care for all of humanity. In fact I care for all life on this beautiful planet which gave me birth. How about you respecting my values, my expression, and my right not to believe?
How anyone can think that this fallible, ignorant, old man is the spokesperson on Earth for an all-powerful, benign creator defies my understanding.
"when you land at Heathrow you think at times you have landed in a Third World country".
Walter is not accompanying the Ratman to the UK and the Vatican issues the ludicrous claim of 'ill-health'.
Ratman, don't lie. Your own book of lore says this (see Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20), how can anyone form any respect for an individual who says one thing and does the opposite?
Admit the truth Ratman, you are human, you were not appointed by a deity, you are not even a head of state but the elected leader of a vastly wealthy organisation dedicated to self-preservation at the expense of billions of ordinary people.
Hello everyone! I know I haven't been posting much recently but it's been an enjoyable summer and the band is starting to get back on track again so I hope I am excused my holiday.
Here are some video clips of us from last weekend at our own CleckFest bash when we opened the night for The Voos and The Syndicates. Hats off to Steve, our front man, for putting together yet another great weekend of local music. Without him these events would be hard to get off the ground. I'm sure that more video from the three nights will appear on YouTube etc, but I'm buggered if I'm editing it. It took me 2 days to pick these bits out of our set, anyone know how to adjust aspect ratios?
And for Jackie and Karen; I hope this gives you an idea what I am up to, you didn't miss too much :)
We are ABandinurHead, we just do covers right now, and we opened like this...
The Alex Harvey Band - Framed (And if you are wondering, Steve came on with a stocking over his head)
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
George Thorogood - If You Don't Start Drinking
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
Bad Company - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
And we finished like this... Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash