Monday, 28 September 2009

Beware of stealth cat

Ninja cat comes closer while not moving!

Via Cosmic Variance.


NobblySan said...


I'll link to this from the MH if you don't mind.

yorksnbeans said...

If he weren't so cute, I'd be creeped out!! :-)

Andy Holroyd said...

Nobbly, no need to ask.

YnB, one of my cats is just walking on top of my bookcase, and trying to be unnoticed.

yorksnbeans said...

Is this YOUR video?

Mark said...

I feel more than a little traumatised by that.

nursemyra said...


Andy Holroyd said...

No it's not mine Y&B.

I must buy a camera to capture some of the crazy stuff my two cats do get up to. They can be so funny sometimes.